News and Information About Samantha Ford

LPA Audio Visual Competition 2019

Samantha Ford won first prize in the Lincolnshire Photographic Association Audio Visual Competition 2019 for "The Show Must Go On" for Photo Harmony.

NEMPF Audio Visual Contest 2018

Samantha Ford was awarded a Highly Commended in Photo Harmony for "An American Trilogy" in the NEMPF (North and East Midlands Photographic Federation) Audio Visual Competition 2018


Samantha Ford receiving her awards for Best Mono Panel and Best Mono Print and second place Colour Panel in the Lincolnshire Photographic Association Photographer of the Year awards 2017

Samantha Ford is a passionate photographer of a variety of subjects, her favourites being stage, macro and creative photography. She started taking photos over 20 years ago but has developed her interest as a member of camera clubs such as RB Camera Club and Dunholme Camera Club near Lincoln.